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By: Glen Kosaka

March 12, 2019 11:28 am


Container Segmentation Strategies and Patterns

At a recent container security conference the topic of ‘container segmentation patterns’ came up, and it became clear that many security architects are wrestling with how to best segment workload communication in the dynamic environment of containers. The question was also raised “Is the DMZ dead?” The concept of network segmentation has […]

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By: Glen Kosaka

September 13, 2018 11:52 am


How Kubernetes Networking Works – Under the Hood

  By Tobias Gurtzick Kubernetes networking is a complex topic, if not even the most complicated topic. This post will give you insight on how kubernetes actually creates networks and also how to setup a network for a kubernetes cluster yourself. This article doesn’t cover how to setup a kubernetes cluster itself, you […]

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By: Glen Kosaka

April 18, 2018 12:17 pm


How Kubernetes Networking Works – The Basics

Kubernetes 101 Before I get into Kubernetes networking, here are the basic concepts to know about in Kubernetes. For those not familiar with Kubernetes, these are the objects and terms used in a Kubernetes deployment. Kubernetes is a container orchestration and management tool for automating the deployment and monitoring of containers. Kubernetes is supported by […]

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By: Neuvector

January 5, 2017 3:01 pm


How Docker Swarm Container Networking Works – Under the Hood

By Gary Duan, CTO, NeuVector Docker 1.12 is a release loaded with a lot of great features. With built-in orchestration and by removing dependencies on the external KV store, Docker Swarm allows DevOps to quickly deploy a multi-host docker cluster that “just works.” Although not without controversies, when compared to Kubernetes, Docker […]

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